Sunday 12 June 2011

Sunday at RSO! [June 12, 2011]

This morning we woke up early to go into Chennai for Church services and shopping! Samm, Kim, Joanne, and I went to Spencer's Plaza (by auto-rickshaw - fun!) and shopped for about 2 hours. Spencer's is one of the oldest malls in Chennai and was quite different from an American mall. The stores were tiny, and more like "stalls" and "vendors" than actual stores. I didn't buy anything, but did enjoy bargaining with some of the vendors. Afterwards we took an auto-rickshaw back to the Church. The ride was quite entertaining since our driver went incredibly slow. We weren't sure if he was doing this to spite us or not, but nonetheless it was quite comical! I had to sit on Kim's lap for the ride back because the auto-rickshaw is so tiny! It was fun though. We met back up with the group and headed to the Marriott for a glorious buffet lunch - it was absolutely amazing! Samm and I teamed up and went crazy with all the food - homemade Indian curries, pizza, made to order pasta, MEAT, and a delicious dessert bar! (Where I could FINALLY eat ice cream!) Afterwards we all went into food coma and slept during the 2 hour ride back to RSO. (Except for Kim, CJ, and Brenen who watched "Dexter" on the way back). When we got back to RSO we watched "The Shawshank Redemption" which I loved! Highly recommended.

Kim, CJ, and Group 3 (a nursing group from BYU) will be going on a 2 day leprosy colony trip, so I won't be able to see them before I leave! They're absolutely great people and I'm so sad to be leaving them!

Samm, Kim, me, and Joanne! (aka. the shopping crew)

at the Marriott brunch! Yum!

Me and coordinator Kim!

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