Saturday 11 June 2011

Saturday at RSO! [June 11, 2011]

Today I got to sleep in since its Saturday! I woke up at 9 a.m. and then we decided to go to Chengalpattu - a town about 45 minutes away. We went to the leprosy colony we had treated last week. CJ and Derek had to survey the community center that was just built, because they are planning on doing more construction work with the volunteer groups that will be arriving soon! It was Brenen, Joanne, and Lex's first visit to a colony which was exciting! We stopped at the elderly home the colony had built and talked with many of the residents. They were so sweet and excited to see us, and they all invited me to sit on their beds and talk with them. I got to see the patient that Eric and I had escorted to Ramachadran Hospital a few weeks ago. He loved flashing his beautiful celebrity teeth, and we got a great picture! (See below). We also toured the painting school that had been built by the leprosy colony and I purchased a gorgeous picture of an Indian girl dancing. According to the artist, the picture took about 4-5 days to paint and I think it is absolutely beautiful. It is such a unique souvenir, and it really humbles me and reminds me to make the best out of any situation I am in. Just to think that somebody without any fingers was able to make such a beautiful piece of art is inspiring. I can't wait to get back home and frame and hang it! After we visited the leprosy colony, we went to downtown Chengalpattu and did a little shopping. I bought some Indian sweets, which are absolutely delicious! We then stopped at the grocery store where I bought some mango juice to last me for 3 more days!

We then returned home and I got to attend one of Sam's "Life Dance" classes. It was great! Sam was teaching the kids a new dance, and it was fun to watch them learn it. The kids are so excited to be dancing and the class went by way too quickly! After class, we all ate a casual dinner on the roof. It was nice to be with a smaller group so we could all talk! We then went to Movie Night with the kids in the cafeteria, where we watched "Despicable Me" - an adorable movie! I had tons of kids crawling on me during the entire movie and others wanting to do my hair. Needless to say, it was difficult to actually watch the movie. But it was totally worth it! Sam and I then walked back to the boys' hospital and helped them brush their teeth and put them to bed - I officially adopt Sam into Gandmathy's family! She's great with the kids.

and congratulations to my little brother, Justin, for graduating today from Sidwell Friends! He'll be heading to Yale University in the Fall, and we couldn't be happier for him. I wish I could have been there to see him graduate, but I send him all the best wishes from India!

Again, I am so thankful for this opportunity to be here. My favorite parts so far have been working with such amazing and talented students from all over the world and working with such wonderful kids. I have really fallen in love with them and cannot believe my time is almost up! I will certainly be returning though :) Love to everyone.

Me and one of the leprosy-patients at the elderly home!

Me and my favorite elderly patient at the leprosy colony!
Eric and I took him to Ramachandran hospital to get fitted for his dentures - look at how great his teeth look now! :) He was so proud of them.

The amazing picture I purchased from the Bati School of Art!
Keep in mind it was painted by a leprosy patient with no fingers!

Brenen, CJ, Lex, Kiley, and me grocery shopping!

The kids during their "Life Dance" class!

Aravind after he brushed his teeth.
He's my favorite!

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