Wednesday 15 June 2011

Last day at RSO! [June 14, 2011]

Today marks my last day at RSO! I can't believe my 3 weeks have already come to an end. Lisa, Tanner, Nathan, and I drove 2.5 hours in a TATA Toro (without AC!) to Gresham hospital in Chennai. Greshman hospital was started by the German government and was founded to treat leprosy patients specifically. We were all surprised by the cleanliness of the hospital (it was much better taken care of than Ramachadran hospital) and were delighted by the tour given to us by one of the directors. We got to meet many leprosy patients (who are treated at the hospital free of charge) who were all very happy to be at Greshman hospital, because they receive such wonderful care. However, we also learned that many of the leprosy patients being cared for often re-open their wounds (which does not hurt since they do not feel any pain in their limbs due to the nerve damage) in order to stay longer at the hospital, which made us all really sad. One of the leprosy patients we met was an older who had contracted leprosy 30 years ago. We also met his wife (who does not have leprosy) and was actually a weaver that makes the famed Kanchipuram silk. We learned that they have 2 children and 3 grandchildren! They were both very happy. It was wonderful seeing the patients being taken such good care of.

Greshman hospital also treats normal patients (who come for eye check-ups, dermatology appointments, etc.) and Greshman provides prescription glasses for $3! Greshman also has cobblers that make custom made shoes out of tires and extremely durable rubber, especially for leprosy patients. Overall Greshman is a great hospital, and I hope that RSO will build a partnership with them!

On the way back to RSO we stopped at McDonalds. India's McDonalds has a 50 cent menu (compared to our dollar menu!) And an ice cream cone cost about 20 cents, which was crazy. Of course I had to have one!

In the afternoon, Lisa, Nathan, and I staffed the RSO clinic. Lots of kids have been having high fevers for the past few days, so we checked about 10 students' temperatures. One of theirs was 102.7 which is really high! A few kids had other complaints (wrist pain, deep bruising, etc.) but nothing super serious which is good.

After clinic duty, Lisa, Samm, and I went to our last family night. Gandimathy and the boys wrote me letters, made me paper cut-outs, and also made plastic insect toys for me! (They think its hilarious that I'm afraid of them). Lisa and I both suffered from nervous breakdowns when we saw a REAL spider in our family's house! It was HUGE (really, must have been 4 inches across) and the boys picked it up and chased us around with it. I think all of India must have heard our combined screams! I'm glad the boys had a lot of fun with us though. This craziness lasted for a good 10 minutes. We took lots of phoots which was fun! I also brought snacks and goodies for all of my little brothers, and they loved them! I was so sad to say goodbye to them. I promised the boys I would be back, so I definitely will. I hope to bring some of my friends back with me!

I took a taxi back to the airport, which is 2 hours away from RSO. I was a bit nervous about taking a taxi all by myself during the night, but it worked out great. Of course the driving was even crazier since it was at night and during a rainstorm (!!!) but I made it safely back to Chennai Airport, and caught my flight back to Frankfurt and then DC.

I already miss all of my new friends I made at RSO, especially Lisa, Samm, Eric, and Tanner, but know we will all keep in touch!!! I am so lucky to have had this experience, and cannot wait to return. Lots of love!

Our group at Gresham hospital in Chennai, India with our tour guide!

Me and some of my little brothers!

Me and Lisa, my newest best friend! 
We're planning another trip next summer. :)

Brenen, me, Tanner, Lisa, and Samm before I left!

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