Saturday 4 June 2011

RSO Day 5! [June 3, 2011]

Today we went to a leprosy colony about 45 minutes away from the RSO campus in Thottanaval Village. This colony was a "model" leprosy colony, because they have been extremely successful with the micro-lending programs and had even built a community center for themselves! We set up our medical clinic at their community center where we had several stations including a blood pressure station, glucose detector station, medication dispensing station, and feet washing and bandaging station. We rotated around the various stations, and I was able to help dispense and record the medicine in addition to washing and applying balm to the feet. The balm is exceptionally bitter because apparently during the night, rats grab the leprosy patients' toes and digits and run away with them! (The leprosy patients are unable to feel this hapenning because of the extensive nerve damage in their toes and digits!) My friend Lisa had the unfortunate assignment of clipping the leprosy patients' "indestructable" (as she described them) toe-nails - I was literally cringing every time I saw them. But I was so proud of her for sucking it up and getting the job done - I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to do that! After we saw 38 patients at the colony (which was a huge group!) we went next door to an extremely successful art workshop which had been started with funds from RSO. The paintings were amazing (and to think that many of the artists do not have full fingers!) and only $45. I have 2 full working hands and would not have been able to create anything close to them! We also stopped by a carpenter's workshop (a business which had also been started with micro-lending from RSO) which was now so successful that he had been able to hire people from outside of the colony and do his passion of "snake charming" on the side! It was so exciting to see the amazing businesses they had set up for themselves.

The community center!

CJ getting his foot fixed by Tyler

Me washing the feet and ulcers of a leprosy patient

Tanner and the artist of the picture he bought! (The artist is a leprosy-patient and doesn't even have fingers!)

In the afternoon we attended playtime as usual - I think this had to be my favorite playtime so far! The kids loved playing with my sunglasses and taking photos of themselves. I will treasure those forever! In the evening we put our kids to sleep by singing them songs, and then Lisa and I had some free time to just hang out and chat with Eric (the other member of our "family"). It was great spending time with them! I really love the Medical Group I am in ("The A Team") and am so lucky to be with such wonderful people!

My BFF Lisa and I with the kids!

Tanner with his kids! They love him

I swear this girl is going to chop off my hair one day. Every day she comes up to me and asks if we can switch hair! (Notice how she enjoys "wearing" my hair.)

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