Tuesday 7 June 2011

Our Andhra Pradesh Adventure! [June 6-7, 2011]

We just returned from our two day trip to Andhra Pradesh (another Indian state just north of RSO)! (Which is why I haven't been able to update my blog since Sunday!) We left early Monday morning (5:30 a.m. to be exact) to travel 6 hours to another state - Andhra Pradesh and work with colonies there. Before going to the colony we stopped for traditional Indian food for lunch which was amazing! We all enjoyed the extremely spicy chicken curry (especially Tanner, who had a few waterworks during his meal!) and naan, which was easily mine and Lisa's favorite part of the meal! Quite a few people have been getting sick on the trip and having GI problems, but Lisa and I decided to risk it anyway - the food was THAT good. And so far, we've turned out okay!

After lunch we drove to our first destination, the Jothi Colony. These colonies in Andhra Pradesh receive about 2 medical visits per year, so they were overjoyed to see us when we finally arrived! We quickly set up our blood pressure, glucose, medicine, washing, and bandaging stations and saw over 70 patients on Monday. However, halfway through our service, a huge storm hit us (and we were working outside) so everybody got drenched and the clinic flooded! It was quite intense, and of course at that very moment a huge number of patients arrived so it got pretty crazy. However, we managed to dispense everyone's medications quickly and correctly, and the residents were so excited to meet us! After the storm the weather was gorgeous - it reminded me of Hawai'i weather - temperate, warm, and zero humidity! I felt like I was at home. We also walked around the colony and got to see the multiple water buffalo and cows the colony owned and were so proud of! This colony was easily one of my favorites due to the grateful and happy residents and beautiful setting (Jothi is set in the foothills of some gorgeous Indian mountains). I was so sad to leave them!

After our work at the Jothi colony, we returned to our hotel - the "VIP Residence." This name was so deceiving though. It was ANYTHING but a "VIP Residence". Lisa and I (who were roomates) were horrified to find stained sheets with hair (so gross), stained walls (don't want to know) and a cold bucket shower for the night. Luckily we had brought extra sheets to sleep on! However, it got even worse - as we were about to fall asleep, there was a huge banging on our door, multiple ringings of our doorbell, and somebody was pushing on the doorhandle as if they were trying to get in!!! We both flipped out, and I asked who it was but nobody answered, so of course we didn't open the door. We both had a really hard time sleeping after that unfortunately. In the morning we were both more than happy to say goodbye to our hotel!

In the morning we stopped for another traditional Indian breakfast (dosai - yum!) and then headed off to our second colony in Andhra Pradesh. We worked at this colony from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. non-stop! We set up the same stations as we had in the Jothi colony, but ended up seeing over 140 patients! It was a huge success! Even though everyone was incredibly busy and sweaty during the entire 5 hours we were there, we were thrilled at the service we did for them. The leprosy-patients were so happy and thankful that we were there, which made all of our hard work worth it. I helped dispense medications and complete their medical records, and enjoyed meeting all 140 patients!

After our successful trip to Andhra Pradesh, we celebrated with a delicious lunch/dinner at Vindu restaurant. Then we started our long journey back home. In the vans we discussed "Traveler's diarrhea" with Dr. Kirby which ended up being fun and informative, and then played games on the way home to pass the time - this ended up being superfun. It was awesome and made me realize how much I love working with my team! :) So excited to see what tomorrow holds. Until then!

Our medical clinic at the Jothi colony! (Notice the water on the right side)

The cobbler (on the left) we hired to make shoes for the leprosy-patients!

The street at the Jothi colony!

One of our leprosy-patients with his new crutches!

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