Tuesday 31 May 2011

RSO Day 2! [May 31, 2011]

Today consisted of providing physicals for UKG (Upper Kindergarten) and Standard (how India labels their "grades") 1 and 2 students. We measured their height and weight and provided them with general medical care. My favorite part was learning their names and having my hair done while the children waited for their check-ups! I had some very innovative hairstyles. :) We saw about 50 kids today, which was a huge success, and I am happy to report that the vast majority were healthy.

Maybe I should tell you a bit about the life here at RSO. Volunteers are housed in the "Elephant Hostel", a gorgeous new building full of bunks for all the volunteers. I am living with 3 other "medical team" students, and its a blast. We are so blessed to have AC in this hot and humid environment (temperatures are about 100 degrees here, in addition to the humidity!) While it seems unbearable at times, it is just a small reminder of how fortunate my life really is. Our bathrooms are Indian style with "squatter" toilets and bucket showers. I never thought "Princess Elle" (as some of my friends refer to me as) would enjoy a bucket shower, but it is quite refreshing and amazing to see how much water you can save.

So here's what a typical day looks like. We meet for morning conclave at 8:30 a.m. and are given our assignments for the day. The volunteers are broken up into groups of about 10 volunteers. We perform our tasks from 9 a.m. to about 12 p.m., where we take an hour or so break for lunch. After lunch we resume our duties (from 1-4 p.m. or so). From 4:30-6 p.m. we play with the children on their playground before dinner - this is often the most exhausting part of the day, as the children have incredible amounts of energy to spend! At 6:30 p.m. the volunteers (there are 26 of us this session!) eat dinner together and share our "highs and lows" for the day. I love hearing all the stories we have to share! At 7:30 p.m. we go to our assigned "families" where we tutor them and put them to sleep! After our duties are fulfilled for the day we are free to do as we please - but most of us just pass out in our rooms from the day! I truly hope you will consider volunteering with RSO! You will never forget your experience here :)

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."

1 comment:

  1. Wow Elle, your experiences are so awesome! I'm glad you're having a great time, and the kids must be so cute :) I don't now about those bucket showers though, I recall not showering for five straight days because I could not stand having to dump the water slowly over my head. It does save water though!
